The Importance Of A Clean Gym

Never Discount The Importance Of A Clean Gym
As a longtime Austin personal trainer as well as the owner of the Austin Fitness Center since it’s inception back in 2007, one concept was never lost on me. The importance of a clean gym. I have worked in many facilities over the 23 years I’ve been personal training in Austin, and I can assure you, that many are less than sanitary. It could be the sweat left on benches, the dirty restrooms, the mold in the showers, the dirty floors, the body oils and/or fluids left on equipment, and so on. Whatever it is, it’s disgusting and it’s not something you’ll ever encounter at my gym.
One thing I resigned myself to having when I opened up shop back in November of 2007, was a clean gym. The importance of a clean gym has always resounded loudly to me and it is therefore, that my staff and I ensure that the Austin Fitness Center is as close to spotless as we can possibly make it. This isn’t accomplished by occasionally throwing a mop on the floor whenever there’s a spill, but rather by mopping thoroughly every night. We also go through the facility and wipe down every seat and handle with disinfectant every evening at closing time to ensure there’s little chance of any bacteria or the like, lingering for the next person that uses the equipment.
While we only have a single shower stall, that too is of vital importance that it’s clean. We make sure the drains are never clogged and there is no mold, mildew, etc, anywhere. Each bathroom is wiped clean, scrubbed, and sanitized every evening before closing as well. The importance of a clean gym can never be underestimated. It’s not only a sanitary issue, but it’s also a reflection of how you pride yourself in what you’ve built over the years, as well as a level of respect for your customers.
“Andy is a top notch trainer for fitness novices to seasoned body builders. He has a breadth of knowledge matched only by very few in the fitness industry today”.

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