Austin Gyms: Which Is The Best One?

Which Of The Many Austin Gyms Is Right For You?
There is no shortage of Austin gyms to choose from. It hasn’t always been like this, however. There used to just be the usual big box selections to choose from with a small gym like mine, Austin Fitness Center, tucked away here and there. These days, with all the latest fitness trends, coupled with the massive influx of people to Austin, there are seemingly as many Austin gyms as there are specialized areas of fitness.
I founded my gym back in 2007 as an alternative to the stereotypical big box gym atmosphere where the trainers are more like workout buddies as opposed to knowledgeable, and experienced personal trainers. The atmosphere of a meet market flooded with selfie takers and phone conversations, was always a distraction that I never welcomed. Therefore, we don’t permit phone calls at AFC. People respect other people, and they step outside to use their phones, just like they wipe down the area they were using, and put away the weights they were using.
Prior to opening my own gym, I was a personal trainer for 12 years, working independently at various gyms. Being around these gyms was the impetus for me to start my own gym. The behavior of the owners and staff in some of these gyms was appalling, as was the level of cleanliness as well as the equipment. I never even considered if my gym would succeed when I started it up. I just knew my clients deserved better and vowed to deliver on that promise.
None of the Austin gyms are perfect, no matter what the owners or brochures tell you. People make mistakes, and things happen. I remember my air conditioning going out in the middle of summer one year for the day. I remember an ice storm knocking out power on a frigid January morning, so I pulled my truck up to the sidewalk and left it running with the headlights and my cell phone illuminating the gym. Nobody left on either day. The conditions weren’t ideal, but sometimes you have to take the lemons and make yourself a glass of lemonade.
No matter your interests, there’s a bunch of Austin gyms that are able to cater to them. If you are interested in rock climbing, for example, there are a bunch of gyms dedicated to that pursuit. If cycling is your thing, there are any number of cycling facilities in Austin to choose from. Ultimate fighting to Pilates, to yoga, to weight lifting gyms such as mine. There is no shortage of gyms in Austin.

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